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Van Zandt County Sarah Norman Library

Fun Stuff


Name That Baby Animal Quiz
Aren't kids baby humans? I thought a baby rabbit was a bunny? And who's Joey? See if you can score better than I did.

Name That Animal or Plant
Put your plant and animal knowledge to the test. How well do you know your wildlife?

Name that Bug
The clock is ticking, hurry up and name that bug in this fun interactive game.

Games & Activities

Kids’ Think Link
Hear what kids like you are saying all over the world about music, sports, and the latest trends and fashions--articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

Wacky Web Tales
Create your own hilarious story by simply filling in the blanks. Lots of stories to choose from and will help you learn the parts of speech.

Pen Pals Box
Search for pen pals all across the country. This is a great way for schools and kids to connect with one another.

Guinness Book of World Records
This site is a favorite. There are tons of amazing and mind boggling records. You can even make a record attempt of your own.

A fun colorful interactive site filled with cartoons, lots of games, and contests.

Name That Candy Bar
So you think you're an expert on chocolate? Then see how you do by matching these inside pictures of candy bars with their names.

Kids Fun Page
Tons of arcade-style games as well as educational games like "Grammar Gorillas" and "What's the Word?" There are also links to other fun sites for kids.

Candy USA
Everything you ever wanted to know about candy. Find out what makes chocolate so addicting and learn some recipes for some incredible fudge.

It’s My Life
A great site for kids who want help with managing their time, and have difficult questions about things like divorce, drugs, and depression.